The Mobile Computing Contest, organised by IEEE and the University of Aveiro Union of Students (AETTUA), was an event where competing groups of students had to design and develop mobile applications. I was appointed team leader of a group, and co-developed an Android application with colleagues João Pedrosa and Pedro Fernandes. The design was done by design students Tiago Marabuto and Ricardo Silva. The resulting application, called Travis, allowed users to look for taxis in the near vicinity and schedule rides with them (similarly to Uber), as well as perform secure payment transactions using NFC.

After receiving a lot of positive feedback from the juri, our team was awarded the 1st Prize: an incubation period with Ubiwhere to develop the application further and to enter the market as a startup.

During this incubation period, Travis became Thumbeo, changing its scope from taxi rides to casual rides that can be posted by anyone.